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Business Technology Strategy

Hospital Simulation

Utilized Arena Simulation Software to model and optimize a hospital emergency department using historical data. Conducted a comprehensive workflow analysis for healthcare staff, including admins, nurses, and doctors. Tracked key metrics including process queue lengths, total wait times, and resource utilizations. Provided recommendations for optimizing hospital resources and schedules, aiming to minimize loss of life, wait times, and costs.

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Bayer Cybersecurity

Conducted thorough research and analysis of cybersecurity challenges in Bayer's cloud computing systems handling sensitive healthcare data. Evaluated the impact and viability of the latest research in predictive intelligence models for enterprise cybersecurity. 

Developed a comprehensive conceptual solution covering business architecture, data processes, risk analysis, and implementation strategy with roadmap.

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Ledcor R&D

Assessed the viability of VR and AR technologies in real-world project scenarios, offering valuable insights through the development and integration of prototypes. Conducted thorough research and analysis on interactive technology, competitors, and new ventures. Presented actionable competitive and market intelligence to the Director of Virtual Construction Services, resulting in the adoption of my recommendations.

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Data Analytics

OWL Data Analysis

Led a five-member team in sourcing, combining, and analyzing nearly six million rows of Overwatch League (OWL) player performance data to predict key metrics for boosting team profitability via prize money earnings. Pulled CSV files from the official OWL "Stats Lab" and utilized API calls to retrieve up-to-date data from Oversaw and coordinated sub-teams, managed data collection and validation, and drove overall predictive model design. Scored top of the class.

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Customer Analytics

Developed predictive models to score and strategically target customers in a meal prep/delivery company's promotional (upselling) campaign. Conducted thorough data cleaning, resolving trivial relations, case identifiers, missing values, small-scale data, and problematic correlations. Utilized stepwise logistic regression, random forest, and artificial neural network (2-6 nodes per layer) models in RStudio. Interpreted final models and lift charts to derive insights. Provided recommendations such as viability of promotional discounts, upsell retention, characteristics of optimal target customers, targeted communication strategies, and capturing additional customers.

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Ops Disruption Modeling

Led a four-member team in researching operational disruptions stemming from recent natural and human-made disasters, with a focus on the impacts of COVID-19. Built predictive and optimization models utilizing publicly available data, delving into the root causes behind the successes and failures of operational management responses at notable companies such as Intel, Sony, and Service Canada. Sourced relevant and distinctive datasets and leveraged Forecasting, Waiting Lines, EOQ, and Newsvendor models to inform our analyses. Employed data visualization to bolster our recommendations and insights.

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Interactive Systems

Kitsune Rush

Led a four-member team in developing "Kitsune Rush," a feature-complete Unity and C# game. Designed as a fast-paced 2D side-scrolling roguelike platformer for couch co-op with up to four players. 

As Producer, managed agile project management through Clickup, led team coordination/meetings via Discord, and spearheaded level design and playtesting.

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VR Aim Assist

Led a five-member team in researching, developing, and reporting on a novel prototype solution for improved point-and-click interaction in VR. Specifically designed to enhance speed and accuracy for users with hand tremors, with a focus on addressing the needs of VR users with Parkinson's Disease. Managed agile project management (ClickUp), interaction design (Oculus), and interdisciplinary collaboration.

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Other Projects

Dygma Kickstarter Database

Collaborated as a pair to build a relational database from scratch using SQL and phpMyAdmin. Presented and discussed the Entity-Relationship Diagram, queries, and data manipulation in a live session with peers and the professor. Prepared detailed documentation outlining the database’s architecture and functionalities.

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R Simon Sales eCommerce

Led a seven-member team in building an e-commerce website prototype for the local business R Simon Sales. The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated that the company transition from their exclusively in-person sales operations to an e-commerce model. Our project provided market research insights and preliminary web design assets to enable that transition. As team lead and project manager, I worked closely with the client and our sub-teams to ensure that the project was completed within scope, on time, and under budget. The client, Richard Simon – owner of R Simon Sales – was very happy with the results of our project, stating that the quality of the information and assets we provided exceeded his expectations and provided value that he had not been able to find even from some professional sources he had worked with.

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